He genuinely strives for peace,
Peace within his soul,
Peace in the surroundings of his life.
Yet he is hell-bent,
Creating a careless clatter,
A clatter of fears actually
Invading his peace,
Snatching it away,
Leaving behind barren turmoil,
At last,
He silences the clatter.
Resting finally,
He admires his garden.
There is no barren turmoil.
He has to wonder if the clatter of fears
Is just a dream or nightmare.
He can’t help but notice
The many plants and flowers
Bearing his Lover’s touch, Her heart-print,
Her scent.
He vows again to thwart off
The clatter of fears,
To hold onto to the peace,
The peace that Love sows,
The peace that forever blossoms
In the nooks and crannies of his soul.
He smiles at Her scent,
Knowing full well She is here,
Still here,
Is always here.
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