Not sure I really know you inside ‘n’ out. I know you. That’s for sure. Kind of like sniffing, Smelling, cherishing, Guarding a rose, Being careful not to wound Even a petal. Yet I will never know the rose completely. Even if I gingerly take the rose apart, Piece by piece, I will be left with only Pieces and parts. But no rose. I know there are places inside you That others judge as flawed, Imperfect, Character defects Not covered by the warranty! And I know there are places inside you That others judge as beautiful, Perfect, twenty four karat. For whatever reason I have no need to take you apart. I only see YOU. I’m careful not to wound Even a petal. I am so grateful You showed up in my garden And insisted we journey To a new garden. One that belongs To neither you nor me, A place where we can plant our love, Where we can grow and blossom Together. And be and become All of who w...