Our bed, Lord,
So safe,
So warm.
Why me, Lord?
So safe,
So warm.
Why me, Lord?
Every morning,
You push me out into the world
In search of You
In all your infinite disguises.
You push me out into the world
In search of You
In all your infinite disguises.
And I do, Lord.
I look for you in faces,
In crowds,
In trees, birds, butterflies,
Mountains, clouds.
I look for you, Lord,
I do.
I look for you in faces,
In crowds,
In trees, birds, butterflies,
Mountains, clouds.
I look for you, Lord,
I do.
And when I can’t seem to find you,
I listen carefully to your footsteps,
Through the chambers of my heart,
Your soft voice singing,
Through the nooks and crannies,
The nooks and crannies of my soul.
Every afternoon,
I gaze at the sun
Dropping behind the horizon
Like a giant teabag,
And I know the time is fast approaching
When I can return to You
At least for awhile.
I gaze at the sun
Dropping behind the horizon
Like a giant teabag,
And I know the time is fast approaching
When I can return to You
At least for awhile.
You ask me how my day was.
I tell you.
I ask you how your day was,
And you tell me.
Then off to dreams of dreams
Tangled in sense and non sense,
Only to wake again
When the sun comes bounding
Bounding over the horizon
Like a giant beach ball
Playfully poking at my eye balls,
Blinding me,
Nudging me,
Sometimes alarming me
To wake up,
Get going,
Face the day.
And off again, Lord
In search of You
In all your infinite disguises.
So, Lord,
When can I come home to stay
Snuggled in our warm bed?
Eating potato chips,
Watching videos,
Laughing, Lord,
Making love, of course.
Who said anything about dying, Lord?
I simply want to spend an entire day
An entire week
With You, with Us.
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