When I look into your eyes, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. When I feel the gentle drumbeat of your heart, The rhythms of your soul, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. When I sense the timber changing, Your heart sounding the call To your passion and mine, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. When I feel your luscious lips Just barely touching mine, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. When I feel our bodies coming together, Dancing in sheer bliss, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. When our hearts are open, no strings attached, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. No rules, no score to keep, Not even words to understand, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. No fear, no judgment, Your hand in mine, mine in yours, It is truly right and just to give YOU thanks. Truly right and just to give YOU thanks, O Lord For YOUR gift of...