So, New Year’s Eve. Atrocities around the world, Mother Nature continuing to erupt With little concern for life. (What kind of mother is she?) No miracles to bolster faith, Only broken relationships, Undeserved illnesses, Unthinkable personal traumas, Deaths, Losses of every sort and kind. Exactly! Can’t be a God. But how could there not be? Perhaps an inside discussion with yourself, Or with your friends, As you watch the year unwind itself, The numbers tumbling from The face of the clock into oblivion, Into a history that no longer exists. Unfortunately, We will probably not find God On a synaptic journey, Poking around the amygdalan storehouse Where our limiting mental models of reality Fight for first place. We will not find God trudging through The cement of disillusionment, doubt And disbelief. If we insist upon searching for God in the left hemisphere, We may find comfort in Cause and effect, But h...